Letting Go
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord
your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

I am reminded today just how amazing it is when you finally figure out that God is truly present in our lives, you begin to notice the things he is doing around you.
Bringing into alignment the next amazing step in your life.
I was just having this conversation with a friend today, after church. Our conversation made me ever more aware of the fact that so many of us face the same trials and challenges of the wilderness seasons in our lives but the difference is always how willing we are to let go and release our burdens, our trials, our biggest heartaches and the events surrounding them, to God. Really the reason we do this, hang on so tightly to the reigns; is control.
Life feels so out of control sometimes. I know that when your going through it, it feels like your free falling off the biggest mountain of your life and someone just shouts out as your whizzing by "trust me!", "Just stop grabbing for that branch", "Stop screaming for Help!", "Stop worrying!", "Have NO Fear!". Yeah TRUST. Wow, that"s huge, its a really big deal for many of us.
I didn't grow up learning to trust anyone, I did not have any stability in my life that would have taught me that I could depend on anyone, let alone someone that was not standing right in front of me literally handing me a life preserver.
If that is you I am here to share with you that God is amazing, and letting go and surrendering everything to him is absolutely the quickest way to experience his presence in your life and the absolute confirmation that he is your foundation and your strong tower. The more you want to see should be directly connected to how much more you're willing to choose to trust him with the biggest fears of your life.
When you look back you will absolutely be in awe of every move he made in your behalf and grateful as you realize he always gets it exactly, and perfectly right.