The Page Master
Who remembers the movie 'The Pagemaster'; the children's movie with actor McCauley Culkin (Richard) Taylor) and Christopher Lloyd (The Pagemaster)? Its the story of a boy who takes refuge, in a library, when a great storm descends upon him. He is greeted in the quiet abandoned library by 'The Pagemaster' who sends him on a journey of discovery through a series of books. Each of these books is a familiar story and genre that plays out a series of situations guided by the Pagemaster and seen through the eyes of the characters. Through these experiences; the pages come alive and deeply impact the boy and ultimately change his life forever.

When I think of how to explain the deep and long-lasting effect that has come from my not only reading the Bible, but diving deep into its pages, I am reminded of this movie and how the adventure and mystery of each story revealed a life changing truth that impacted the reader in some deeper and meaningful way.
The Bible was meant to take us on journey of discovery. That was and is the true intent of its origin. It is not just a book with pages that have words on sheets meant to be a exceptionally long over stated story. On the contrary, the Bible was meant to take us on a journey of deep life changing discoveries through the peeling back of the deeper meanings of life seen through the eyes of the people who lived and experienced the 'Living Waters" of 'The Word'.
In one particular book is the story of a well known encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. In the book of John chapter 4 verses 10-15; Jesus makes the statement "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, 'Give me a drink, 'you would ask him and he would give you "Living Water". What is this "Living Water" that Jesus is referring too?
Through deep study; it is revealed, that the 'Living Water', Jesus was referring too, is the soul-quenching word of God. The words that spring forth from his mouth to the pages, are as life-giving water. Many times throughout the Bible Jesus is referred to as "The Word". The living word of God that spoke our world and lives into existence and Jesus who speaks life into us as his people.
In Matthew 4:4 Jesus rebukes the Devil by stating "Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. God gave his word in the spirit, through Jesus Christ and through the scriptures; the Bible. You see human beings need more than just the daily necessities to sustain them biologically. We also need food for our souls, through mental and spiritual wellness and aesthetics. We were created with a need and a means. These things give our lives meaning and we instinctively seek out to satisfy them.
God provided a means that would stay available through the ages so we would always have a source that would lead us to the discovery of what can satisfy our spirit and affect us in a way that can change our perspective and our life. These truths are intended to be tangible and have long-lasting impacts.
God is the 'Pagemaster' of the Bible and he inspired men to put his words on the pages of a book so that you and I would always have access to "Living Waters" that fill our spirit and our lives with meaning and the truth about who God is and who we are to him. He gives us 'his word' in such a profound way that the search for life's meaning is satisfied forever.
So you see; the Bible is not just a book of pages with words written on sheets. It is the 'Living Water' that God speaks into and over you. When you dive deep into its story's the pages come alive and as the The Pagemaster takes you on a journey of adventure and discovery your life is changed forever.
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